Greenhouse Effect

There are two meanings of the "greenhouse effect. The "natural" greenhouse effects that keep our earth warm, and the "man-made" greenhouse effect that also enhance the efficiency of earth's warmness.

Greenhouse Gases:
There are, surely, gases in the atmosphere that trap and catch energy from the sun and the greenhouse rise the temperature that the earth receives. Without these gases heat will get back into the space and the earth's average temperature would be 60% colder. So those gases that keep the earth warm are called greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gas absorbs infra-red radiation in the atmosphere and these gases include carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, halogenated fluorocarbons, ozone, and hydro fluorocarbons etc.

Water vapor, the strong greenhouse gas is main cause of about 80% to 90% of the greenhouse effect. The rest is due to the carbon dioxide, methane and some other minor gases.

The man-made greenhouses look like a small glass house. Greenhouses are made for growing the plants, especially in winter. These houses trap the heat from sun and the glass panels of the greenhouse keep the heat inside and do not let heat escape.

The atmosphere is all around us and the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act like the glass panels. The sunlight enters into the atmosphere of the earth though these gases. As the sunlight reaches the surface of earth, land, water and air, these gases absorb the sunlight's energy. Once the energy absorbed, this energy sent back to the atmosphere and some of the energy passes back to the space, so that it may keep the earth warm.

The greenhouse effect is very important to keep the earth warm. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger then the earth can be warmer than usual. But still even a little extra warming can cause many problems for human beings and living objects.

By Nadia_Ansari