Yellow Heart Art's Self Esteem Campaign

I always wanted Yellow Heart Art to some how "give back". I didn't know quite how to do that. A few months ago when hurricane sandy hit long island I designed an exclusive print where the proceeds from that artwork went to help those affected by Sandy.

As much as I would love to donate 100% of every penny I make to organizations and charities the truth is I do run this business to make a living, and I need it to pay bills and other necessities.

So, I thought long and hard as to how I can help spread some happiness and give back with out going broke. I thought about what I want Yellow Heart Art to stand for and why I love to do what I do.

I realized that Yellow Heart Art is about being fun, quirky and, well, awesome. I used to be really critical of myself back in the day, and it was awful. I would try to not be too quirky or let my real personality come out in fear that people would judge me. Once I hit college I realized that this was a real stupid way of living. The more comfortable I became with myself and let my guard down the more happy I became. My self esteem improved dramatically and I found that people were drawn to the chick who tried to go sleigh riding down a grassy hill in the middle of April or the chick who would give high 5s to total strangers.

It makes me sad that there are others out there who don't fully feel happy with who they are or are suffering with low self esteem too. It's time to change this way of thinking stat!

Yellow Heart Art creates goods for you and your home with a lil bit of quirk and "umph" to it. We love it when people point and laugh at our designs. Along with our art we also want you to embrace your inner quirk!

Here's to those who doodle designs on foggy bathroom mirrors, to those who do a little jig when they're stoked about something, to those who must check that their house is locked 5 times before leaving, to those who speak to their pets in an inaudible high pitch shrill, to those whose pinky toe on their left foot might not go down all the way (I may or may not be the chick with the "freaky toe") (ok I am)

We all have things about us that make us unique, quirky and "umph-ish" (just go with it, umph is a good thing, promise)

Whenever you purchase a piece of art from Yellow Heart Art we always include a motivational postcard for you to write on and to send to others letting them know what it is about them that you love! Sometimes people are just so focused on being perfect that they forget that their quirkiness is what makes them pretty rad.

Our goal is to have everyone embracing their inner "umph"! Will you help us to make the world a more umph-ful place?


• we launched our newest Spring 2013 collection yesterday, check it out here
• if you want to shop our "outlet" sales follow our sale shop on instagram "YellowHeartSale"