All This is Worth it

The other day I may or may not have had a total melt down. Said melt down might have included downing an entire bag of mini eggs (ya know, not the 1oz bag but that huge muthah of a bag that costo has once a year....yeah...that) as well as watching Real Housewives re-runs to make myself feel better (what? Those bitches are insane. Watching other people be cray helps me be less cray--kay?) (PS-promise to never say "cray" again) (Cray) (sorry, its out of my system now, girls scouts honor)

While looking at the speckled eggs in my hand in all their chocolatey glory (seriously cadbury how do you make a mini egg so amazing?) I realized something. All the stress. All the "what ifs". All the "what on god's green earth am I doing?" is all worth it. In the end something amazing will come from me riding for free on the hot mess express these past few months (I have ridden the hot mess express so many times that my card has 9 punches on it, the 10th punch is on the house!) (mom, are you proud? Your little girl gets to ride a fictitious train for free)

That's where the inspiration for this print came from. No matter what you're going through: A recent move across the country, giving birth to a new baby, changing jobs, leaving something that isn't good for you, going to a new's all worth it. Each and every little bit of it is completely worth it all.

All This is Worth it by Yellow Heart Art (in color)

 All This is Worth it by Yellow Heart Art (in black and white)

what is something you're struggling with lately that is totally worth it?


OH HAY BY THE WAY (that rhymed)
As you know I announced on my facebook that we are releasing a pre-order for a newly designed Yellow Heart Art T-shirt. You all voted and picked charcoal gray as a color you want to see as our new Tee! The design isn't released yet but there will be a limited number of T-shirts available. We are giving away coupon codes to the first 15 people who email me (yellowheartart at gmail dot com) to ONLY be used on the t-shirt when the pre-sale goes live. This code will not be available for any other products in our shop. USE SUBJECT LINE "T-SHIRT CODE" WHEN EMAILING ME.

If this is a hit you will be seeing more Yellow Heart Art Ts in our shop! SO STOKED!

Also, now is the chance to ask me anything you want about me! Go to this post for deets.