Things I Learned that School Won't Teach Ya

Ok, as you can see I totally slacked in my blog posts. Confession alert? I have a hard time keeping up with my blog. Doing stuff for my business comes so 2nd nature to me, but when it comes to hit "open new post" on my blog and start to type stuff out I kinda sorta have brain farts.

Sorry, just had a mental image of brains passing gas for a second. It's gone now.

So I know today is the 30th, but last thursday Jenni's prompt in blog everyday in May was "Things you've learned that school won't teach you"

It's funny, I feel like teachers push so hard to teach you that f (x) dx = f(b) - f (a) x 2 and if you're anything like me I feel as though numbers and letters do NOT belong together. It's unnatural. Not only that I feel as though Mrs.Antretter lied to me, I have never ever EVER needed to know how to figure out what X means in an equation.

But I'll tell you what would have been nice to know:

• I wish someone had taught me what to expect when buying a house. Don't throw your bank jargon at me. Do you understand what a Bézier curve is? Oh, you don't? Thats cause its a graphic design term. Work with me bank people and I'll work with you.

How exactly do you hard boil an egg so you don't get that mysterious dark green ring around the yolk? Huh? Did I need to know "x" to figure that one out Mrs. Antretter? Spoiler Alert: No.

• Boys will break your heart. You will struggle in life. You will think you have it bad when someone out there is wishing for exactly what you have right now - don't ever compare your beginnings to someone else's middle. Things do get better. (again, where is X in this equation Mrs.Antretter? That's what I thought)

• Did you know you can lightly blast your eye lash curler with the hair dryer and they use it on your lashes to make the curl last longer? You're welcome.

• Also? Put a little pen mark on your forehead where your hair parts naturally. Every time I go to the hair dresser I mess this up and end up with side bangs that don't belong in that spot. I currently have a 1" gap of hair that didn't make the cut, going to take a scissor to them in about 5...4...3..2..*chop*

• That 5 year plan that you jotted down on that post it note one day while sitting through the commercial breaks on your favorite reality show? (maybe it was Jersey Shore, maybe it was the Amazing Race, whatever I don't judge) that plan may or may not come true. Don't hold yourself to this strict path that you HAVE to go down in order to make you happy, life has its way of throwing you a curve ball and oddly its usually what you need at that moment in time. Say hi to the chick who was supposed to be married 3 years ago and owning 2 dogs. One named "mac" and the other named "cheese"